Opens Deep Bite Without Trauma
Bite-Bumpers work in open and deep bite cases by allowing the anteriors to ride up and out of occlusion. The Bite-Bumpers eliminate bond failures of brackets and are especially valuable with ceramic or self-ligating brackets.
The unique fixed ”placement-jig” guarantees the correct height on the lingual of the tooth and makes sure the two Bite-Bumpers are 100 % parallel.
The Bite-Bumpers are made of a composite polymer that is more comfortable, aesthetic and will increase biocompatibility in nickel sensitive patients.
Bite-Bumpers are bonded in the same manner as metal or ceramic brackets. The Bite-Bumpers have a slotted mechanical bonding base.
The placement-jig can easily be removed by hand or by a cutting instrument after bonding – see illustration.
1. Put the placement-jig against the incisal edge |
2. Remove the jig | 3. Bite-Bumper ready |
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Ceramic buttons
The Freddy ceramic button* is the perfect clear utility button for all aesthetic appliances.
- Works lingual as well as labial
- The Oral surgeons use them whenever clear appliances are indicated
- Mesh structure of base makes a strong bonding
- Bonds well with most common adhesives
- Anatomy and size of base fits all teeth
- Enough space around tie wing for all elastics
- Maintains the transparent look for aligners as anchorage for elastics
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FREDDY™ Ceramic buttons brochureFREDDY™ HOOK
The Freddy hook has a smooth low profile and ellipse shape.
It has the same chararistics as the standard Freddy button and matches perfect together with Invisalign and other aligners as well as hook for class II mechanics in lingual.
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IPR Gauge Set
Used during Interproximal Reduction (IPR) to measure and confirm space.
- Includes six gauges: 0.1mm, 0.2mm, 0.25mm, 0.3mm, 0.4mm, and 0.5mm
- Stainless steel
- Autoclavable
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This unique Interproximal reduction instrument comes as one or double sided in an assortment kit.
- The single sided is perfect for contouring and finishing composite restorations as well as single tooth slenderization.
- The double sided is especially well suited for interproximal reductions.
- There is also a serrated saw that is very suitable for separating contacts that have become fused with composite or cement.
The blade holder has an adjustable part that allows the operator to curve the same for easy and accurate stripping of contoured teeth.
Available in four different types and thicknesses.
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Aligner remover
A special patient tool for removing aligners in the mouth.
• Especially made for easy removal of aligners in both upper and lower jaws
• Made in Titanium-coated Steel for preventing nickel allergies
• Correct ergonomically design with good leverage for easy removal of aligner in upper and lower jaw
• Multiple uses the whole treatment time
• Cleans in dishwasher
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Extrusion eyelet
• Gold plated eyelet and chain reduces possibility of allergic reactions
• Low profile limits irritation
• Mesh base assures reliable bonding
Bond the extrusion eyelet to an impacted tooth, then engage traction force.
CITIZEN™ Lingual metal button
Part # CIB-00-01 Flat, CIB-00-02 Curved
CITIZEN™ Caplin hook, steel
Part # CIB-00-03
Contact Gestenco International AB